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Vinyl Chloride and Other Chlorinated-C2 Hydrocarbons


Monitor your exposure to vinyl chloride and related C2-chlorinated hydrocarbons.   We use an SKC Ultrasampler that contains a special adsorbent that has been validated specifically for this measurement.  Please expose the sampler for up to two weeks to obtain the highest sensitivity.  Since vinyl chloride can enter the home through the slab, we recommend placing the sampler in the basement or ground floor.  This product will also measure, tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, dichloroethylene, and any saturated C2 hydrocarbon present.

The price includes the vapor sampler, return shipping, analysis, and final report.

Chemical Detected CAS number Single Chemical or Multiplex SKC Diffusive Sampler Reference Method Reporting Limit (MRL) 7 day PPB Reporting Limit (MRL) 8 h PPB
Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 multiplex Ultrasampler with Carbograph 5 EPA-TO-17 with diffusive sampler 0.1 2.4
also see Richter, Juritsch and Jann


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