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Formaldehyde and other Aldehydes


The price includes the vapor sampler, return shipping, analysis, and final report.

We use the EPA TO-11A (NIOSH 2018) method to measure aldehydes using either diffusive samplers or sampling tubes.  Just clip a sampler on your collar or place it in a central location to use as an area monitor.  This method provides the most accurate measures of aldehydes available today, with a few caveats.  The samplers (yes, all samplers) are sensitive to heat, so we suggest that these be stored, and shipped refrigerated.  Decomposition of the media can produce a background signal that's difficult to account for and thus can result in false positives.  This is a problem that we're working on, so stay tuned.  For now, just be aware of the problem and avoid leaving the samplers in hot environments (like autos in the summer) and try to ship the samples to the lab with a cold pack during the warm season.  Also note that the media used is sensitive to ozone, so measurement outdoors especially near highways in highly populated areas should use an ozone scrubber (use tube SKC 226-120).  If you only suspect that ozone is present, we can measure it independently using OSHA ID 214 with a personal sampling pump and cassette (SKC 225-9014) to see if it's an issue.  OSHA 1007 states that ozone is not an issue <0.5 PPM.

Chemical Detected CAS number Single (S) or Multiplex (M) Reference Method Alt Reference Method MRL 8 h MRL 15 min
          (PPM) (PPM)
Formaldehyde* 50-00-0 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A NIOSH 2016 0.006 0.19
Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A NIOSH 2018 0.01 0.33
Acetone 67-64-1 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.008*** 0.26***
Acrolein** 107-02-8 see ACRO-TD see note**   N/A N/A
Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A NIOSH 2018 0.013 0.4
Crotonaldehyde 4170-30-3 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.015 0.48
Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.007 0.23
n-Valeraldehyde 110-62-3 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A NIOSH 2018 0.008 0.25
Isovaleraldehyde 590-86-3 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A NIOSH 2018 0.008 0.25
o-Tolualdehyde 529-20-4 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.007 0.21
m-Tolualdehyde 620-23-5 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.007 0.21
p-Tolualdehyde 104-87-0 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.07 0.21
n-Hexaldehyde 66-25-1 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.01 0.34
n-Butyraldehyde 123-72-8 S, M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.009 0.29
2,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde 5779-94-2 S M-15 EPA TO-11A   0.01*** 0.34***
*  If measuring formaldehdye from formalin, test for interference by dimethoxymethane (DMM) diffusive or tube sampler **Interference by other C3 aldehydes.  Use ACRO-TD ***From calculated collection rates
