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Sulfuryl Fluoride (Vikane, Zythor)


The price includes the vapor sampler, return shipping, analysis, and final report.

Our sulfuryl fluoride monitoring badge was developed especially for use by fumigation workers to measure exposure to this neurotoxic gas while they work. Simply wear the badge on your shirt collar when you are not wearing SCBA or similar PPE. The badge absorbs the gas at a well-controlled rate - our laboratory measures the mass of this absorbed gas and converts it to the average concentration during the exposure time. A similar method was developed by NIOSH (Method 6012) and is recommended by OSHA to monitor employee exposure. Our method is more evolved, using more modern equipment and methods, allowing us to offer it at this reasonable price.
OSHA PEL (permissible exposure limit) 8 h - 5 ppm
NIOSH REL (recommended exposure limit) 15 min - 10 ppm
We recommend quarterly testing. Work habits, especially the use of PPE such as SCBA, can change with the seasons. You can save with our subscription service; we send a sampler once every three months.

Chemical Detected CAS number Single Chemical or Multiplex SKC Diffusive Sampler SKC Tube Sampler Reference Method Reporting Limit (MRL) 8 h ppm Reporting Limit (MRL) 15 min ppm
Sulfuryl Fluoride* 2699-79-8 Single 575-001 226-16 NIOSH 6012 0.05 1.7
*Vikane, Zythor, Sulphuryl Fluoride
